




Podiatry Equipment For Sale

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Podiatry Equipment- Louisville, Ky: Xcel Xray machine 1986, ICRco 3600 SF (CR) digital Xray processor with two 10 X 12 cassettes, Ritter Sybron podiatry chair (medium gray), 3 X-ray view boxes, 2 mayo stands. Please contact at footdr4u@hotmail.comAccept check, square credit card payment, or Venmo. 9/9/24

Used Equip- available Oct- Podiatry exam chairs: NW Tennessee 2-MTI model 527 and 525 blue with cabinets Midmark 417, blue with cabinet PDM 104, grey, with cabinet Exam tables: Ritter 75 surgery table. Contact Parisdpm@aol.com Midmark 112 exam chair, full power Autoclave Ritter M9. Venmo 8/22/24

Podiatry offices- Podiatry Office Closing January 2025 5 boyd treatment Chairs 3 x ray machine Plus.... Location Florida Please Email Podiatryequipment96@gmail Cash 8/4/24

PDM Podiatry Chair- PDM podiatry chair (model J120B) with matching cabinet & chair all in grey. Everything is in working & excellent condition. Cost for all listed will be $975.00. Purchaser will be responsible for shipping costs & arrangements. Photos available!  Pleasantville, NY 10570 Sesmoid2@hotmail.com  914-450-0870 PayPal, Cash 8/3/24

Podiatry Office Equipment- Podiatry office equipment- (New England) 3 75C Ritter surgical tables, whirlpool, Film cassettes 8x10 & 10x12 and envelopes, surgical hand instruments and more. For list and photos: podequipment@gmail.com PayPal only 7/22/24

Rayence XCel DR Xray- XCel Rayence digital imaging machine only 4 years old and used by only one provider. System in excellent condition and in perfect working order. Office closing and selling all equipment. Price: $15000. Contact me at gdonate@americanfootandankle.com  Accept PayPal Venmo or Zelle only. 7/14/24

X-Cel X-Ray Machine- Digital X-ray Machine, ready for point and shoot. Los Angeles area. Does not include computer (HIPAA). Last serviced 04/2024 by Physicist. Includes everything needed to take x-rays (except for the computer workstation). $2000. Message 717-250-9383 for details / pictures.  Accept Paypal, Venmo, Cash, Check 7/1/24

Zimmer EnPuls 2.0 Shockwave Unit- Excellent Condition. Includes all accessories, four applicator heads, rubber tips, instruction manual/treatment regimens and stainless steel travel case. Asking $10,000. Brand new Zimmer cart also available -asking $500 For more information/pics/video contact Dr Anna Marie at drannamarie@yourlifetv.com Credit card and certified check 7/1/24

Storz Ergo 750 System- Storz Ergo 750 Electrical Surgical System for sale. the motor needs minor refurbishing. The system includes power console, foot control, three hand pieces, reciprocating, oscillating, and high torque rotary. will sell for $1795, this system was lightly used contact rsanders5@austin.rr.com  Accept PayPal 6/2/24

Podiatry Equipment- 4-wayBoyd power chair with operator chair very good condition $400, 2 electrecators, x-ray cassettes, 3whirlpools, x-ray viewboxes, 2 surgical lights, surgical instruments fiberglass casting material, many other supplies. Call 215-757-0998. Check accepted. 5/29/24

PodRay Digital Xray- Podray digital x-ray. 18 months old. 5 second processing. 3.5" Base. Includes x-cel xray unit and computer with Rayence software. Located in Los Angeles. Can ship. Call for price. 310-909-3617 5/24/24

Podiatry Equipment-  X-Ray view boxes, protective lead aprons, stainless steel film hangers. cassetts,3 Mayo stands, 3 whirlpools, surgical instruments, various foot pads. Checks accepted. 215-757-0998 4/7/24

Xray- Model 128i imaging module with 02'-'03 preowned xcel. This was used about 60 times over the course of 3 years. Excellent condition and works perfectly. Local pickup or provide own packaging and shipping. Priced to sell. Cash, wire only. Please contact 9176926408 3/13/24

Xcel Xray Machine- Like new Xcel 20/20 digital office XR system. Less than 1 year old. Two panels and associated PC. Contact for additional details. Kmauk10@gmail.com 3/8/24

Zimmer Shockwave- (excellent condition)- Low Pulses. Includes all accessories plus travel case. Brand new Zimmer cart available also. For more information/pics/video contact Dr Anna Marie at toebiz@icloud.com Credit card or certified check. 3/4/24