Podiatry Practices For Sale

White section of practices for sale listed in state order

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Seller and Buyer financing methods have been developed by Medical Mavin (MM) to speed up the lending process (even with bad credit). If you are selling or buying a practice, or thinking of becoming an Associate, call MM first to learn how our many financial and business opportunities work. The following ads are a partial list of practices for sale, under our standard sales transaction. All practices are thoroughly reviewed and evaluated. Our financing is properly structured and proven by cash flow analyses to support the practice’s financial needs, including the proper working capital.
Call Medical Mavin at 610-518-7411 or visit our web site at: www.MedicalMavin.com

The following ads are a partial list of practices for sale. For a full, more detailed list of practices
for sale visit: www.MedicalMavin.com/practices-for-sale-

AK Central. Practice grossing $750K doing sx 20%, c&c 15%, sports 5%, ped 5%, orth. 25%, Diabetic care 20% & 10% wound care. Income from cash 2.2%, Medicare 4.7%, Medicaid 1.9%, Blue Cross 37.6%, third party 53.6%. Call Medical Mavin at 610-518-7411 for more information. #1798.001PE0624

AL Southern. Practice grossed $500K in 2022 doing sx 11%, c&c 1%, orth. 8% & 80% wound care. Income from cash 2%, Medicare 25%, Blue Cross 50%, third party 23%. Call Medical Mavin at 610-518-7411 for more information. #7497.001PE0624

AZ South Central. Practice grossed $140K in 2023 doing sx 2%, c&c 35%, pt 1%, Diabetic care 56% & wound care 2%. Income from cash 2%, Medicare 56%, Medicaid 2%, Blue Cross 2% & third party 38%. Practice showing constant patient growth with potential for added streams of income. Call Medical Mavin at 610-518-7411 for more information. #5116.001PE0624

CA South of Los Angeles. Practice grossing over $250K doing sx 5%, c&c 40%, sports 10%, ped 5% & orth. 40%. Income from cash 35%, Medicare 40%, Blue Cross 5%, third party 20%. Well-established practice includes 3 high-end asst. living facilities. Includes digital X-ray. Call Medical Mavin at 610-518-7411 for more information. #7514.001PE0624

FL Southeastern Coastal. Practice grossed $193K in 2023 doing sx 5%, c&c 30%, sports 15%, orth. 20%, Diabetic care 20% & wound care 10%. Income from cash 10%, Medicare (incl. Advantage plans) 50%, Medicaid 0% & private plans 30%. Practice located in the Treasure Coast, which is a very desirable area. Call Medical Mavin at 610-518-7411 for more information. #150.001PE0624

Fl- Northern Central. Practice grossed $325K in 2022 doing sx 10%. c&c 70%. sports 5%. ped 5%. orth. 10%. pt 15%. Diabetic care 35% & wound care 15%. Income form cash 60%. Medicare 20%. Medicaid 10%. Blue Cross 10%. Call Medical Mavin at 610-518-7411 for more information. #7539.001PE0624

IL Northeast. Three-office practice grossing $560K doing sx 85%, c&c 5%, sports 10%, ped 5%, PT 35% & Diabetic care 25%. Income from cash 20%, Medicare 20%, Blue Cross 20% & third party 45%. Practice has many advantages that could help double the revenue & Seller is willing to teach Buyer how to run the business. Call Medical Mavin at 610-518-7411 for details. #1409.001PE0624

MO Eastern Central. St. Louis area. Practice grossing $400K doing sx 5% (of which skin sx 25% & other sx 75%), c&c 60%, ped 5%, orth. 30%, Diabetic care 70% & wound care 15%. Income from cash 17%, Medicare 20%, Medicaid 3% & third party 60%. Next closest DPM office is 9 miles away. Ideal practice having office in free-standing building which Buyer may also purchase. Practice has potential to do $600K per year. Call Medical Mavin at 610-518-7411. #7431.001PE0624

Call Medical Mavin at 610-518-7411 or visit our web site at: www.MedicalMavin.com



NY- Mobile practice for Sale in Queens, Nassau and expanding to Brooklyn. 15 patients seen weekly in 1 day. Gross over $60K annually. Excellent opportunity and constant new referrals from Home care agencies & visiting nurses. Included 3 group homes. 90% Medicare. Practice established for 30 years. Asking $25K negotiable. Reply nycpodo2260@yahoo.com


Citrus Heights, CA- Practice available in Citrus Heights CA. Looking for someone to take over office and allow me to sublease a couple half days a week to see patients over a 1 year period. Significantly low overhead. 2023 gross $152k. Only asking $25K. For further details please respond to mtbandski60@gmail.com 3/8/24

Western CT – Modern, well established practice. Fully equipped, digital X-ray, EMR, 3 treatment rooms, immediate income. All aspects of podiatry including assisted living. Great opportunity for practice expansion, new practitioner, or capital investment group to place physician. Asking price: $165,000. Email: practiceforsalect@yahoo.com 4/17/24

Gainesville, FL- Amazing opportunity to take over a thriving established practice in Gainesville, Florida. The practice has an excellent payer mix with No HMO's. Currently sees 25 patients a day with 10 of those being new patients. Great referral base. Wonderful place to live and practice. Contact: podiatry42984@gmail.com 3/8/24

Chicago Ridge, Illinois- Est. Podiatric practice/medical prof. bldg (mult specialties). Serve S/W Chicago burbs 30 yrs. Indep. practice busy, wide range patients-all areas Podiatric/SX care-incld diab wc, 400 pts/mo. Dr. tracking towards retirement. Percentage owned in bldg. Inquiries call 708-870-4114. 4/17/24

Danvers, Massachusetts- Solo practice for sale 20 miles north of Boston. Turnkey, fully equipped condo suite and EMR. Exceptional surgical privileges. Patient visits 3 days a week. Gross average income for the last three years $365,000. fcjdpm1@comcast.net 2/12/24

Mid-Michigan, MI-  Michigan- 30 min from Ann Arbor and Toledo, OH. Established busy full scope practice Full hospital privileges with no call, low monthly overhead, perfect for any DPM looking for a better balanced work-life schedule. Seller available for transition. Email forsalepodiatryclinic@gmail.com 3/21/24

Las Vegas, NV- Well-established Podiatry practice with a great mix of surgery, wound care, and primary Podiatric care in Northwest Las Vegas. Practice generates $800,000+ per year with a single practitioner. Owner winding down. Owner willing to remain for transition for a couple of years. Loyal patient clientele. lwittenberg1@hotmail.com 3/28/24

Las Vegas, NV- Great 24 yr Well Established Practice With Mix of All aspects of General Podiatry, Wound Care; In office Surgeries Very Loyal Patient population four 1/2 days a week Grossing around $350000 per year Solo Practitioner looking to relocate to the east coast willing to stay a couple of years during transitional period. dunwayne70@aol.com  724/24

Las Vegas, NV-  Busy 18 yr general podiatry office/practice. Satellite 2 days per week 20 patients per day, Gross 170K, 500 new patients per yr 75 bone Sx referred out GREAT growth opp Nice 1300 sqft built in 2006, 3 treatment Rms, sign on major st. 26,000carsdaily NV licensed Drs No brokers please Contact neal.2004@yahoo.com 3/25/24

Brooklyn, NY- Active solo practice for sale in Brooklyn. Please email lisa.gussack@gmail.com  for further information. Thank you.  8/17/24

Glenn Cove, NY- Eastern Queens New York-  Podiatry Practice for Sale. Grossing $417K for Part time 3 day a week practice with well established patient base. Call 516 351-8850 6/2/24

New York, NY- Grossing $250K. 80% PPO/20% Medicare. Full service renovated medical office with state of the art medical equipment, including digital x-ray, PRP and shockwave therapy. Call 310-909-3617.  3/13/24

North Bend, OR- Practice for sale. Located on the beautiful Southern Oregon coast. Grossing $500,000 part time. Asking $250,000 willing to finance some of the cost if needed and to stay during the transition. Call me I would love to tell you about this gem of a practice. 541-756-3332   7/4/24

Lake Oswego, OR- 25 year five star rated podiatry practice in Lake Oswego, Oregon, arguably Portland's nicest suburb, is for sale. seeing 35 to 40 patients in 2 day a week schedule so room to grow it. Asking $185k. Looking to sell quickly. Please contact Dr. Mark Hastings at 503 422 3035 with questions or email mhpod@aol.com Thank you! 8/8/24